Best Marketing Resources

There’s certainly no shortage of high-quality marketing content out there. Below are some of my top picks. If you want to submit a marketing resource to be included on the list, click the button below.

Online Resources


Probably the most complete marketing resource library online. They have articles about everything marketing. They also have the Hubspot Academy that offers educational content and certifications.

Google Digital Garage 

Google offers all kinds of training and certifications on their different advertising solutions. If you work in digital advertising, this is a critical resource for you.

Marketing Profs

Very high-quality, in-depth educational content. Be sure to subscribe to Ann Handley’s MarketingProfs newsletter.


Need to find an ad agency? Setup provides excellent resources on how to do this, including a checklist, sample RFP questions, and much more.


Terminus invented Account-Based Marketing, and their resource center is packed with high-quality content for B2B marketers. Also, check out co-founder Sangram Vajre’s books, Account-Based Marketing for Dummies and ABM is B2B.


Excellent content around effective sales engagement programs and better sales-marketing alignment.


If you want to learn SEO, there is no better resource out there. Make sure to check out the one-hour guide to SEO.


Scott Brinker has covered the rapidly evolving world of MarTech since the early days. This site is the ultimate resource to geek out on for all things MarTech. Just make sure you have a magnifying glass when looking at the latest MarTech landscape chart.


If you are looking for email inspiration, ReallyGoodEmails has you covered.

Landing Folio

Effective landing pages can drive big results for your business. Landing Folio shares the secrets on how to build pages that deliver.

Product Marketing Alliance

Essential resources for Product Marketers chock full of templates and examples.

Another great resource for SEO tips. Practical and action-oriented advice.

Association of National Advertisers

Large trade association for the advertising industry. Features tons of good content on a wide range of topics. Paid subscription required to access it.

Peer Groups

Peer groups are a great way to network, get advice, and learn from others. Below are some of the top groups to check out.

Pavilion (Formerly Revenue Collective)

A group for B2B marketing and sales leaders.

The CMO Club

The top peer group for executive-level marketing leaders with local chapters in most major cities.

Peak Community

Marketing group started by Sangram Vajre, Co-Founder of Terminus. The group has executive and emerging leader sub-groups.

Marketing Growth Leaders

Executive peer group run by Lisa Nirell, author of the Mindful Marketer.

Thought Leaders

Ann Handley

Ann is one of the OG’s of digital marketing. She creates a ton of great content and she has written several best-selling books.

Neil Patel

If you want more website traffic, Neil Patel has the content to help make that happen.

Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vee has become an icon with marketing and sales professionals. He’s a highly entertaining public speaker and his first book, Crushing It, is worth a read.

Seth Goodin

Seth is one of the top marketing thought leaders in the world. He updates his blog every day, and it’s worth the read. His books and podcasts are also very good.

David Meerman Scott

David has written several best-sellers on the “new rules” of marketing, sales, and PR. He’s a keynote speaker at many of the top marketing conferences.

Annie Cushing

Annie was talking about advanced marketing analytics and insights before it was cool. As she says, she makes “data sexy".”

Joe Pulizzi

Joe is an expert in content marketing. His e-newsletter is a must-read.

Dave Kellogg

Dave has a great blog focusing on marketing for startups and tech companies.

Matt Heinz

Matt Heinz is one of the leading voices in B2B marketing. His website is chock full of helpful content. Also, check out his CMO Coffee Talk Slack community.


There are way too many marketing podcasts out there today. Almost every company seems to have its own. Here are some of the best of the best.

State of Demand Gen

Podcast focused on practical tips for revenue marketers.

Hustle and Flowchart

One of my favorite names for a marketing podcast. This features interviews with a who’s who of marketing thought leaders.

Brands, Beats, and Bytes

Podcast mixes marketing, tech, and culture with great conversations.

CMO Suite

Sean Halter hosts this entertaining podcast featuring CMOs of top companies.

Renegade Thinkers Unite

Drew Neisser hosts this podcast focusing on B2B marketing leaders.

B2B Marketing Leaders Podcast

Dave Gerhardt has engaging conversations with a range of B2B executives.